Rafael Mendonça

I’m a DesignerDeveloper

About me

About Picture

Who am i?

I'm Rafael Mendonça, a Unreal Engine designer working in broadcast.

Like most people I started my journey in Unreal Engine to make games, as a passion for interactivity and creating amazing experiences. But I soon discovered the world of virtual production where I can bring my creations to a whole other level, immersing people in virtual environments and real-time graphics for live shows and events. Finding the most creative ways to blend both real and virtual worlds in such a way that leaves people wondering what is and isn't real while I keep improving my work and accepting new challenges.

My goal is to keep pushing Unreal Engine's capabilities, contributing to innovative projects that captivate and engage audiences on a global scale.

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Main Skills


Excelling at creating something amazing and easy to use will ensure it is used live.

Visual Programming

Blueprints and materials are my main tools to bring life & dynamics to all my works.

3D Modelling

Creating something from scratch or tweaking existing assets for a specific purpose.

Digital Compositing

Allows me to seemlessly blend both real and virtual worlds in real time.


Understanding what is needed and expected, norms and conventions in this space.


Ease of handling 3D space and calibrations to get the most accurate results possible.


Fast prototyping ideas and graphics to quickly understand what works and what doesn't.

Problem Solving

Theory crafting or finding the root causes to problems and presenting solutions.


I automate everything I can, to allow for easy prototyping, live modifications and adjustments.